Summary :- Against the quirks of Komori and Fukidashi, the Class A team is divided, with Aoyama captured as a result. Fueled by a desire to surpass Yaoyorozu, Kendo engages her solo. Yaoyorozu manages to launch a bag of support items across Field Gamma to her team. With the aid of thermal goggles, Tokoyami launches an attack on the hidden Class B Team, capturing them. In a desperate move, Komori enlarges the spores inhaled by Tokoyami, incapacitating him. With an unconcious Yaoyorozu in tow, an exhausted Kendo captures Hagakure. Despite Class B winning Match 2, Kendo feels the victory is unearned, having failed to surpass Yaoyorozu.
My Hero Academia Season 5 - Episode 6 - Foresight [English Dubbed]
Summary :- Against the quirks of Komori and Fukidashi, the Class A team is divided, with Aoyama captured as a result. Fueled by a desire to surpass Yaoyorozu, Kendo engages her solo. Yaoyorozu manages to launch a bag of support items across Field Gamma to her team. With the aid of thermal goggles, Tokoyami launches an attack on the hidden Class B Team, capturing them. In a desperate move, Komori enlarges the spores inhaled by Tokoyami, incapacitating him. With an unconcious Yaoyorozu in tow, an exhausted Kendo captures Hagakure. Despite Class B winning Match 2, Kendo feels the victory is unearned, having failed to surpass Yaoyorozu.